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Adler & Partners Group

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Adrian Foster
Adrian Foster

Section 8

The 2008 Consolidated Appropriations Act (Public Law 110-161) enacted December 26, 2007, allocated $75 million in funding for the HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) voucher program, authorized under section 8(o)(19) of the United States Housing Act of 1937. This new program combines HUD Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance for homeless veterans with case management and clinical service support which is provided by the Veterans Affairs administration at its own medical centers and also in the community.[12]

Section 8

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Please contact your local provider or sub-contracting agency listed here if there is a problem with your section 8 program. If you are currently experiencing problems with your local provider, please contact IHCDA at 317-232-7777.

NOTE: Due to the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-289) the data presented in this system may not be applicable to projects financed with Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) or section 142 tax exempt private equitybonds. These projects should use the Multifamily Tax Subsidy Project Income Limits available at Multifamily Tax Subsidy Project Income Limits

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2022 non-metropolitan median income is: $71,300 and the 1-8 person 50-percent income limits based on the non-metropolitan median income are listed below:

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that anyproject for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of theHousing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the nationalnon-metropolitan median income. The FY 2021 non-metropolitan median income is:$63,400 and the 1-8 person 50-percent income limits based on the non-metropolitan medianincome are listed below:

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that anyproject for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of theHousing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the nationalnon-metropolitan median income. The FY 2020 non-metropolitan median income is:$62,300 and the 1-8 person 50-percent income limits based on the non-metropolitan medianincome are listed below:

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2019 non-metropolitan median income is:$60,600 and the 1-8 person 50-percent income limits based on the non-metropolitan median income are listed below:

NOTE: Due to the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-289) the data presented in this system may not be applicable to projects financed with Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) or section 142 tax exempt private equitybonds. These projects should use the Multifamily Tax Subsidy Project Income Limits available atMultifamily Tax Subsidy Project Income Limits

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2018 non-metropolitan median income is:$58,400 and the 1-8 person 50-percent income limits based on the non-metropolitan median income are listed below:

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2017 non-metropolitan median income is:$55,200 and the 1-8 person 50-percent income limits based on the non-metropolitan median income are listed below:

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2016 non-metropolitan median income is:$53,300 and the 1-8 person 50-percent income limits based on the non-metropolitan median income are listed below:

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2015 non-metropolitan median income is:$54,100 and the 1-8 person 50% income limits based on the non-metropolitan median income are listed below:

Furthermore, in an effort to minimize disruptions in the operation of the section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program, HUD instituted maximum thresholds for the amount income limits can change from year to year. The new policy limits annual increases in income limits to 5 percent or twice the change in the national median family income, whichever is greater. For areas where income limits are decreasing, HUD limits the decrease to no more than 5 percent per year.

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2014 non-metropolitan median income is:$52,500.

NOTE: Due to the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-289) the data presented in this system may not be applicable to projects financed with Section 42 Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) or section 142 tax exempt private equity bonds. These projects should use the Multifamily Tax Subsidy Project Income Limits available at Multifamily Tax Subsidy Project Income Limits

Section 3004 of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) specifies that any project for residential rental property located in a rural area (as defined in section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949) use the maximum of the area median gross income or the national non-metropolitan median income. The FY 2013 non-metropolitan median income is:$52,400. 041b061a72


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